Welcome to St. Andrew’s
Whether you are new here, have been visiting St. Andrew’s for a long time or have recently rediscovered us, we invite you to worship here.
We offer in-person and online traditional and contemporary worship services.
When are the services?
The services are held on Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am. Learn more about the worship services here.
Where are you located?
We are in central Pearland, just east of Pearland Parkway at 2535 E. Broadway.
Is childcare provided? Can my child sit with me during the service?
Children are a central part of life at St. Andrew’s and encouraged to participate in whatever way desired. All children are welcome and are recognized as full members of the church. We understand that the needs of families differ and offer childcare at both services for younger children as well as a children’s church during the 10:30 am service. However, children are welcome to attend the services with their parents and activity bags are available at both services.
What do I wear?
Wear what makes you feel most comfortable. St. Andrew’s does not have a dress code and most members tend to be dressed casually. Shorts, jeans and t-shirts are just fine! But, dresses, coats and ties are welcome too.
Can I participate in Communion?
Communion is open to any baptized Christian, without regard for denomination. Communion utilizes bread and wine by intinction (dipping of the bread into the wine). Gluten-free wafers are available (please ask the priest when you come forward for Communion). Those who have not been baptized or do not wish to receive Communion may stay seated or come forward with arms crossed across the chest as a sign to the priest that a blessing is desired instead.
Is the campus wheelchair accessible? Are accommodations available?
Yes. Space is available in the sanctuary for wheelchairs. Similarly, the classrooms, bathrooms, and family life center are readily accessible. Whether attending traditional or contemporary services, where kneeling is indicated, if for health or other reasons you prefer to stand or to remain seated, please feel free to do so. If you would like to receive Communion in your seat for any reason, please notify the ushers.
I’m interested in becoming a member. What should I do?
Are you ready to take the next step? Be part of the St. Andrew’s family and join us in our mission to find your place in the life of the church. Our volunteers are here to guide you through the membership process and help make it seamless. Please make a note in the grey comment card (or click to submit electronically) and put it in the Offertory basket, speak to one of our priests, or email our New Member volunteers at office@pumpkinchurch.com for the next steps.
I have to ask. What’s up with the pumpkins?
St. Andrew’s has had a very active pumpkin fundraiser in the community for decades. Hosted in the fall on our front lawn, it attracts thousands of participants each year. This has resulted in our nickname in the community as the “Pumpkin Church.” This reflects our joyful spirit, community outreach, and fun-loving approach to service. Come learn more about the Pumpkin Church for yourself!